Death in the Woods Resources


Sherwood Anderson Foundation

There's no better place to start than the Sherwood Anderson Foundation for all your Sherwood Anderson needs!

International Wolf Center

Word on the street is that Anderson spent a ton of time researching wolves before writing "Death in the Woods." We're not trying to guilt-trip you or anything, but you probably should too.

Articles and Interviews

An Interview with Sherwood Anderson Expert Charles Baxter

While it's difficult to find an interview with a man born in 1876 on the interwebs, we've got the next best thing: a detailed chat with true Sherwood Anderson expert Charles Baxter.

Wal-Mart Open Store in Winesburg, Ohio

You know you're a lit nerd when an Onion article about Sherwood Anderson makes you laugh so hard that you spew the soda out of your nose. Not that that happened to us, or anything. No way.


A Reading of "Death in the Woods"

Want to watch some dude read the story you just read? As always, Shmoop has you covered.

Will Schuck on Sherwood Anderson

Check out this brief chat with Will Schuck (director of the Sherwood Anderson Literary Center), focusing in part on the real-life inspiration behind "Death in the Woods."


Author Tom Perrotta on Sherwood Anderson and Small Town America

Although this brief chat doesn't touch directly on "Death in the Woods," it hits on many of the small town themes that are so integral to Anderson's work.

Robert Boswell read "Death in the Woods"

Can't get enough "Death in the Woods" in your life? Want to listen to an audio-book of the story while reading it yourself? Well, that's pretty ambitious, but check out this link to get started.


Sherwood Anderson

Check out this vintage picture of the always-classy Sherwood Anderson. #nofilter.

Camden, Ohio

This is a picture of the only traffic light in modern Camden, Ohio, the city of Anderson's birth and likely a partial inspiration to the town in "Death in the Woods." Small town America at its finest.