How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
I instantly recognize the voice. [...] Everything freezes. The blood stops flowing in my veins. My breath stops coming. (9.82)
Dang, Alex has quite the effect on Lena. Normally lust makes people all hot and sweaty, but Lena goes into a total chill. When her government-instilled fear combines with her lust, she is paralyzed.
Quote #5
This is how it starts. Phase One: preoccupation; difficulty focusing; dry mouth; perspiration, sweaty palms; dizziness and disorientation. (9.147)
Here, Lena is reciting from memory the symptoms of amor deliria nervosa as though it's malaria. But really, she's describing the normal physiological symptoms of attraction. In other words, she's so excited, she just can't hide it.