The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America Awe and Amazement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

One of the delights of the fair was never knowing who might turn up beside you. (3.11.8)

After all, VIPs like Franz Ferdinand and Houdini like to roam the grounds in disguise.

Quote #5

Chance encounters led to magic. (3.11.12)

Helen Keller meets the inventor of Braille printing plates and L. Frank Baum meets the inspiration for the Wonderful World of Oz. The fair was truly the place of awe and wonder, and anything could happen.

Quote #6

"Beneath the stars the lake lay dark and somber, but on its shores gleamed and glowed in golden radiance the ivory city, beautiful as a poet's dream, silent as a city of the dead." (3.21.38)

William Stead, the brother of Herbert Stead who wrote about the fair's opening, writes of the illumination of the fairgrounds on the final night. Even on the final day, the White City is still wonderful.