The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The choice was his, a measure of his power. No matter what the approach, the act always left him in possession of a fresh supply of material, which he could then explore at will. (3.5.4-5)

Holmes is a doctor after all, and during this time, doctors learned all about the wonders of the human body by studying cadavers. But seriously, buddy: there are other ways to go about getting cadavers.

Quote #5

The possession he craved was a transient thing, like the scent of a fresh-cut hyacinth. Once it was gone, only another acquisition could restore it. (3.5.6)

Welcome to the mind of a killer. At the time, people didn't know much about psychopaths—Holmes was one of the first known serial killers.

Quote #6

The search delighted Holmes. It satisfied his profound need for attention and gave him a sense of power over the detective. He knew that Geyer's search would be in vain. (4.2.2)

"Power" is a key word when it comes to Holmes. He desires power more than anything else…which is what leads him to kill.