Dr. No Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Dr. No.

Quote #4

HONEY: Did I do wrong?

BOND: Well, it wouldn't do to make a habit of it.

Bond's chastising of Honey is weird. He's killed plenty of men who didn't sexually assault him. He seems to be warning her to not go killing rapists all willy-nilly. Or does he not understand the difference between consensual and non-consensual sex and he's worried Honey will do the same to him if he sleeps with her?

Quote #5

BOND: Well, why become criminal? I'm sure the West would welcome a scientist of your...caliber.

DR. NO: The Americans are fools. I offered my services. They refused. So did the East. Now they can both pay for their mistake.

You heard that right: Dr. No wants to start a global missile crisis because his little feelings were hurt. If only his heart were as hard as his iron grip.

Quote #6

DR. NO: I thought there might even be a place for you with SPECTRE.

BOND: My first job would be finding the man who killed Strangways and Quarrel.

Once again, Bond proves that he is all about some revenge killing. But he's killing to avenge good guys,so that makes him totally different than Dr. No, right?