Dreaming in Cuban True or False

1. What character says "The Family is hostile to the individual"? -> Pilar
2. "When you make a saint, the saint takes good care of you. But Felicia showed none of these blessings." What religion is being referenced here? -> Santería
3. "He stops at the ocean's edge, smiles almost shyly, as if he fears disturbing her, and stretches out a colossal hand." Who is being visited here? -> La Madrina
4. "Another woman, an elderly mulatta, claimed that her hair was falling out from the menacing stare the baby gave her." Who is the baby? -> Luz
5. "Pilar...writes to her from Brooklyn in a Spanish that is no longer hers. She speaks the hard-edged lexicon of bygone tourists itchy to throw dice on green felt or asphalt..." What is something that Celia fears here? -> That she will never communicate with Pilar again
