Eleanor & Park Chapter 16 Summary


  • Eleanor hates Saturdays. She's just waiting for Monday, and it seems too far away.
  • Someone has written "do i make you wet" (16.3) on her geography book, and she covers up the writing with a black pen. 
  • She's saved her batteries for today, "so that she could listen to her tape player today when she missed [Park] most" (16.5). Park's made her five tapes so far. Even in her fantasies, she just wants to hold his hand because it's so amazing.
  • They've nearly stopped talking on the bus, because the handholding is so overwhelming for both of them. 
  • Eleanor's starting to think Park may really like her. When a bust sewer pipe diverted their bus for fifteen extra minutes last week, Park said, "Wow […] I can actually burst sewers with my mind" (16.11-13).
  • Eleanor's noticed Park's hair (really cute) and his all-black clothing (which, she'll have us know, he looks good in). She tries to compose letters to him in her head, but she doesn't understand "what he could possibly see in her" (16.29).


  • Park's family pickup truck keeps dying. Park's dad is trying to teach him how to drive stick shift, but Park thinks he "could never master something new if his dad was the one teaching it" (16.35).
  • Park's frustrated that his dad compares him to his brother, who learned to drive in two weeks. They give up the driving lesson and Park walks home. He also hates Saturdays.