Eleanor & Park Chapter 23 Summary


  • Even though Park's grounded, he feels "less anxious now—more relaxed" (23.5). He thinks maybe it's because he has "nothing left to hide" (23.5)… and also, that kick was awesome.
  • Park tells Eleanor he wants to try having her come over again. He's grounded, though, so their next try will have to wait.


  • Eleanor's reality at school is changing, because everyone knows she's the reason Park kicked Steve—"There was a new kind of whispering when she walked down the halls" (23.21). 
  • DeNice and Beebi ask Eleanor to tell them all about the fight, "every gory detail" (23.24); DeNice even buys Eleanor an ice cream cone, because she hates Steve so much.


  • Park's mom says he's grounded forever, but Park's dad says he can be ungrounded when he learns to drive a stick shift. "Then you can drive your girlfriend around" (23.44), his dad says. "No girl. Grounded" (23.49), his mom disagrees. Looks like we've got a difference of opinion here. But despite their disagreement, Park's parents are amazingly affectionate with each other. 
  • Park's mom starts to talk about Eleanor and tells Park she doesn't want Eleanor to come over, calling her a "trouble girl," and a "very weird girl" (23.57); "Good girls don't dress like boys" (23.65), she says. Park's dad kicks Park out of the room, presumably to talk to his mom about Eleanor.
  • Park goes next door to visit his grandparents. He stays for dinner, and while at his grandparents' house, he looks at the old photos of his parents in Seoul. His mom was eighteen, "only two years older than Park" (23.76).
  • Park's dad had told him everyone thought his mom was pregnant because they got married, but she wasn't—"We were just in love" (23.77), his dad said. 
  • Park "hadn't expected his mom to like Eleanor […] but he hadn't expected her to reject her, either" (23.78).
  • When Park gets home, his dad tells him he's not grounded anymore. More than that, his dad says his mom is sorry for what she said about Eleanor. His dad says his mom's just worried about him, and she wants to invite Eleanor for dinner. "So that she can make her feel bad and weird?" Park asks. "Well, she is kind of weird, isn't she? […] Isn't that why you like her?" (23.94-97) Park's dad says. 
  • Park can't wait to tell Eleanor the next day.