Eleanor & Park Chapter 53 Summary


  • They get out of the truck so Park can go to the bathroom, and when he comes back, Eleanor is sitting on the hood of the truck. "She looked beautiful, fierce, leaning forward like a figurehead" (53.2).
  • He sits next to her, and she puts his head on his shoulder. She asks if he really thinks they'll have other chances and Park says yes, but Eleanor tells him she's never coming home, no matter what. Park tells her he loves her, no matter what. "I just can't believe that life would give us to each other, and then take it back" (53.15), Park says. 
  • Park tells her it's up to them not to lose what they have.


  • Eleanor sits next to Park in the truck, and Park calls his parents when they stop at another truck stop. She's still shocked that his parents are okay with this. Park says his parents haven't heard from Eleanor's family and asks if Eleanor wants to call her uncle, but she says no. 
  • Her shirt is a mess, so Park takes off his and gives it to her to wear. When they stop at the next gas station in Minneapolis, Park tells her they're getting close.