Eleanor & Park Chapter 50 Summary


  • Again, Eleanor insists she has to go. Park's reeling, and suggests "Everything might look different in the morning" (50.3).
  • Eleanor points out what Richie wrote on her books, though. 
  • Park asks if she can go to her dad's house, and Eleanor insists that her dad doesn't want her; she thinks maybe her uncle would let her go to his house in St. Paul early.
  • Devastated, they both settle onto the floor in an embrace.


  • Park asks her when she's leaving, and she tells him she has to go tonight. She tells Park she'll take the bus, but really she's thinking she might hitchhike, despite the danger.
  • Park tells her he has a better plan: he'll drive. Eleanor insists his parents won't let him, and that his dad will kill him. Park says he'll just get grounded, but couldn't care less.