Esperanza Rising Visions of America Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Something seemed very wrong about sending people away from their own "free country" because they had spoken their minds. (12.53)

Esperanza thinks Americans are hypocritical to claim that theirs is a "free country." She wants to know how folks can say that people are free, and then deport citizens for speaking their minds. For Esperanza, America is not exactly the land of liberty she once thought.

Quote #8

"In time, they will be back, especially if they have families here. They will reorganize and they will be stronger. There will come a time when we will have to decide all over again whether to join them or not." (12.66)

Miguel understands that Marta's strike isn't an isolated event. This will be a part of a larger movement for workers' rights in the United States, and they'll have to pick sides. Life in America is definitely complicated. Esperanza has to make a lot more choices and tough calls than she would have if she had stayed on her straight and narrow path back home.

Quote #9

When they got to the top, Esperanza looked out over the valley. The cool, almost morning air filled her senses. Below, she could see the white roofs of the cabins in straight rows, the fields beginning to take form, and over the eastern mountains, a hopeful brightening. (14.89)

Earlier, Esperanza found the view of the enormous San Joaquin Valley to be totally overwhelming. But now it looks calm and peaceful, and the sunrise in the east seems hopeful. Funny how things change, huh?