How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
This is love, [Brod] thought, isn't it? When you notice someone's absence and hate that absence more than anything? More, even, than you love his presence? (16.12)
Brod is a true romantic. (Not.) Next time you want to tell someone you love them, make sure you put it this way: "I hate when you're gone even more than I love when you're here." They'll love it, we promise.
Quote #8
But love is a room, [Brod] said. That's what it is. (16.128)
When the Kolker's head injury gives him violent mood swings and he goes to sleep in a different bedroom, Brod doesn't know how she could love him anymore. Love, to her, is a very confined space—which, we guess, is why she has to cut a little hole in the wall.
Quote #9
[Safran] never loved any of his lovers. He never confused anything he felt for love. (20.12)
Safran separates sex (and lust) from love at all times. We have to wonder if he's actively doing this because he doesn't want to fall in love, or if he truly doesn't feel anything for any of the women he is with. Is he afraid, or just a jerk?