How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
I could imagine in my brain how the days connected the girl in the photograph to the woman who was in the room with us. Each day was like another photograph. Her life was a book of photographs. (18.5)
… probably with carefully applied vintage filters, right? Just imagine Not-Augustine's Instagram feed. Her memories are like photographs, memories of the past that were once moments in the present. We're pretty sure that not even X-Pro II can light up these snapshots.
Quote #5
"We are not going anywhere. We must help her to remember. Many people try so rigidly to forget after the war that they can no longer remember." (18.9)
Grandfather really wants Augustine to remember what happened during the war, but irony alert: Grandfather has tried harder than anyone to suppress his memories of the war. It's all cool until someone wants you to talk about how you basically murdered your best friend.