Guide Mentor

Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis

Clarisse McClellan

One mentor dominates each of the three parts of Fahrenheit 451. The first is Clarisse. She opens Montag’s mind to the possibility of an alternative way of life. She questions what he thinks he knows or what he hasn’t been willing to consider. Is he happy? Does he love his wife? Clarisse opens the door…


…and Faber picks up where Clarisse left off. Things get a bit more complicated here, since Faber questions Montag’s simple assumptions about books. No, he explains, the pages themselves aren’t the answer. It’s the experiences that are filtered through the books that matter. Faber takes Montag through the next stage of his growth and enlightenment.


Granger takes the third leg of the Montag mentor watch. This is where all the pieces come together, and also where Montag has experienced enough to take this new information to heart. Before the third part of the novel, we knew the problem – but it is Granger who exposes the solution.