The First Part Last Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"And that's why I know you two are going to be fine with him. He'll baby both of you."

"Not like you, huh?" (23.19-20)

When Bobby moves into his dad's apartment, he realizes that living with his mom taught him more responsibility because she didn't baby him. And even though this is harsh, Bobby's come a long way in how he thinks of himself and Feather because of it.

Quote #8

The baby was going to one of those happy, smiling people in the pictures. It would live in a house with a yard and a dog and a swing set. (24.13)

Even though Bobby and Nia decide to give the baby up for adoption, Bobby's pretty sad about it. Maybe his instinct here is another reason that he keeps Feather after she's born; they're already family, and even though they won't be a perfect family, that's okay.

Quote #9

But when they looked at the baby through the nursery glass, it was like they were saying good-bye. (29.61)

The Wilkins decide to support Bobby when he chooses to adopt Feather, but we never hear about them in the now chapters of the book. They're Feather's family, but they have no stake in her life. Family, then, isn't just blood, it's a choice—and Bobby makes the choice to be a family with Feather.