The First Part Last Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

We never talked.

I guess I thought she needed to be here. And she must have thought her being there made everything all better for me.


I get it now. I really get it. (1.2-5)

When Bobby was young, his mom would come and play video games with him. Just the presence of family can help people calm down, and Bobby realizes this now as he's learning how to be a father to Feather.

Quote #2

She only wants Daddy.

That scares the s*** out of me.

Just me. […]

And all I can do is kiss them and pull her closer so she won't see my face and how scared I am. (5.4-8)

The responsibility that comes with having a child is mind-boggling. Feather looks to Bobby for everything—basic needs, yes, but also the nurturing and love that she expects and needs. It's scary stuff for adults to be thrust into the position of parenting, and even scarier for Bobby, who's only sixteen.

Quote #3

Won't do any good to complain about being tired. I already tried that with my mom. She couldn't have rolled her eyes any more than she did when I mentioned how tired I was and how maybe I wanted to go hang out a while at the arcade. (7.22)

Having a new baby is exhausting, and Bobby is feeling it. But his mom, Mary, is determined that he take responsibility for his actions—she's not going facilitate immature behavior; he's a father with the responsibilities of fatherhood.