The First Part Last Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The First Part Last? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Bobby and Nia's relationship change after she gets pregnant?

It doesn't change; everything's just like it normally is.
They fight a lot more.
They decide to break up.
They instantly transition into a mature adult relationship.
Q. How does Nia feel about being pregnant?

She doesn't care about it at all.
She doesn't really notice her pregnancy.
She loves every moment of her pregnancy.
She resents the changes to her body and is crankier than usual.
Q. What can we infer about how Mary feels about Bobby?

She is too disappointed in him to care about him once he has Feather.
She never gets over her anger at Bobby's irresponsible behavior.
She loves Bobby but is too afraid to show it because she doesn't want Bobby to lean on her too much.
She loves Bobby and tells him constantly.
Q. At the end of the novel, how does Bobby feel about Nia?

He loves her despite her physical state and struggles to cope with his grief.
He's angry with her for being in a coma and leaving him all alone.
He is upset that they were irresponsible and got pregnant.
He is happy that she's made a full recovery from the coma.
Q. How does Bobby feel about Feather?

He loves her unconditionally.
He loves her but only when she's smiling and happy.
He resents her for cutting into his sleep and time with his friends.
He resents her for taking Nia away from him.