Sycamore Trees
It's no secret that Juli loves her first sycamore tree. It stands big and tall in her Mayfield neighborhood, and to Juli there's no better place to be than up in its branches. And because Juli love...
In Flipped, eggs become super important when Juli hatches six chicks for her fifth grade science fair project. And here's why eggs become extra important: candling. We can't lie, candling is a pret...
Bryce's Eyes
There's no denying it: Bryce's eyes are the best. Or at least Juli thinks so. And since she's gaga over these baby blues, she tells us about them a lot—and that makes these bad boys pretty import...
The Bakers' Yard
Were you as sad as we were when Bryce insults Juli's yard? Or when Mr. Loski says the Bakers' place is a dump? And were you feeling giddy like us when Juli's grass finally starts to grow? Sheesh—...