How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)
Quote #1
I emerge from the simulation with a yell. My lip stings, and when I take my hand away from it, there is blood on my fingertips. (1.1)
We dive into the story just as Tobias/Four comes out of a fear simulation, screaming. With that being our introduction, we know fear is going to be a factor in this book.
Quote #2
At every faction meeting, our leaders, usually speaking through my father, urge us not to be afraid of the factionless, to treat them like human beings instead of broken, lost creatures. (1.26)
It seems like these speeches are intended to have the opposite effect. "Don't fear these scary dangerous factionless people! They're just like us! Except they're scary and dangerous!"
Quote #3
Fear makes my legs go weak, so I back away from the doorway and sink into a crouch by one wall as I wait to get to wherever we're going. (1.212)
It's hard to picture that this is Tobias/Four narrating. By the end of these four Four stories, he doesn't seem like a person who let fear overcome him physically in this way. This line shows us how much he grows.