How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Beating [Eric] up again isn't going to prove that he's a faction traitor. (3.44)
While Four is making a good point here (violence isn't the answer!) he's not thinking like a Dauntless, who seem to think that hitting something over and over until it changes is the best solution to any problem.
Quote #8
"Edward. He was attacked. Stabbed." (4.73)
Dauntless is naturally violent, but under Eric's leadership, the violence gets cranked up to eleven, from the sanctioned fist-fights of the pre-Eric days to people stabbing each other to gain an advantage.
Quote #9
I hit [Drew] once, twice, three times in the face, and he collapses to the ground, and then I'm kicking him and I can't think, can't think at all. (4.308)
This is a repeat of the rage attack against Eric. Here, however, it's different because Four is attacking someone who threatened Tris, not someone who threatened him personally.