Freewill Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Freewill? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Where is Will's favorite place to be?

in his bedroom
at the beach
in his head
Q. What does Will finally discover about his grandfather?

that he is afraid of his feelings
that he loves Metallica and used to have long curly hair
that he knows how to pop and lock
that he has a fear of water
Q. What happened to Will's mother?

She left Will's father for Frank Sinatra and became his fourth wife.
She died when Will was one-year old.
She left one day with a gray-suited stranger.
She got a job with Cirque du Soleil and abandoned the family.
Q. The school Will goes to is also known as ___________ by the locals:

The Dead End
Woody Wood Central
Hopeless High
Q. Will thinks both he and his father are:

heretics who will not enjoy the privilege of a decent afterlife.
skilled with saws and planers.
carrier pigeons of death
fans of Emily Dickinson.