From the Earth to the Moon Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

It is but just to add that these Yankees, brave beyond a doubt, did not confine themselves to mere formulae, but risked their persons without hesitation. (1.13)

Although Verne disagrees with the Gun Club's founding mission, he can't help but admire their fearlessness. Ardan—as a sort of stand-in for Verne—will come to respect Barbicane and Co. for similar reasons.

Quote #2

And if such a man really existed, must he not be some madman to be confined in a madhouse rather than in a cannon-ball? (18.1)

People are shocked when Ardan announces his intention to take a trip to the moon. It's a suicide mission and everyone—Ardan included—knows it. But it doesn't matter. For Ardan, the experience of being launched into outer space is worth any consequence, even death.

Quote #3

Disciples of Lavater or Gratiolet would have easily traced […] indubitable signs of combativeness—that is to say, courage in danger and a tendency to break through obstacles. (18.34)

Verne has a huge man-crush on Ardan. We can't say we blame him. The guy is an adventurer to the core—in fact, Ardan is based on a real-life photographer (and friend of Verne's) named Felix Nadar. Like his real-life inspiration, Ardan is constantly risking life and limb in order to experience things that no other person has the guts to pursue.