From the Earth to the Moon Theme of Courage

There's a fine line between courage and insanity, and the characters of From the Earth to the Moon toe this line with reckless abandon. Barbicane is the sanest—he uses logic and careful planning to put his mind at ease—but there's also Ardan, who has never backed down from a challenge, no matter the odds. And then there's Maston, who's too much of a lunk (a lovable lunk, to be clear) that he wouldn't know how to be afraid if you taught him. To be honest, anyone willing to get launched from a cannon into outer space has got to have a few screws loose.

Questions About Courage

  1. Is Maston courageous? Explain your answer.
  2. In what ways does Ardan reveal himself to be fearless?
  3. Are the three astronauts foolish for risking their lives on the mission? Why or why not?
  4. How is courage linked to the American identity? How about French?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

From the Earth to the Moon illustrates that courage simply means having no concern for your own safety and well-being.

Ardan's fearlessness is a key the mission's success because he galvanizes public support and inspires the Gun Club to work even harder.