From the Earth to the Moon Resources

Want to learn about mankind's real first trip to the moon? Head over to NASA's website and prepare to reach outer space.

Did reading From the Earth to the Moon make you a die-hard Jules Verne fan? We have a few people we want to introduce you to…
Articles and Interviews

In this interview, Verne aficionado Brian Taves discusses some of the author's lesser-known and even unpublished works.

This Wired article uses Verne's novel as a jumping-off point into a discussion on gravity in space. Verne's science, though not completely accurate, holds up pretty well.
Articles and Interveiws

This piece from the BBC discusses the incredibly accurate predictions made by science fiction writers like Verne. What you read may shock you….

If you're like us, then sometimes you want to watch a nice, cheesy television documentary. Have no fear—Shmoop is here to give you what you need.

Although it shares its name with Verne's novel, this HBO miniseries is exclusively focused on the real-life Apollo missions. Check it out either way, though—it's great stuff.

Want to see what it's like to actually walk across the moon's surface? Well, your wish is Shmoop's command.

Recorded one hundred years after Verne's death, this radio story details the long-lasting impact the author has made on the fields of science and literature. That's a two-for-one special.

This story discusses the origin of the most famous photograph ever taken from the moon—more famous than Neil Armstrong's innovative moon-selfie.

Hey there, moon. What's going on, little buddy?

This is one of many awesome old school illustrations made for the novel. Do a little searching and you might be able to find a few more.