How It All Goes Down
Partridge (Nebraska)
- Partridge and Iralene have rigorously scheduled days: he feels physically tired, but almost from grief.
- One day he finally convinces Iralene to let him go to the academy to show her around.
- He shows her his bedroom, and memories of before the dance flood into his head. He even remembers dreaming about Lyda.
- Then Iralene tells him they have to be alone together.
- They go back to Partridge's room, and she flicks on the old farmhouse on the hologram thingy-mabobber. Hopefully Partridge remembers now.
- But he doesn't; he's confused as anything, and Iralene starts crying. Then she starts sobbing.
- Oh my god, someone get her a box of tissues.
- This is pretty depressing, because Iralene is risking her life.
- She then blurts out everything; that they erased his memory, that his father will kill him, and that he was never in love with her.
- She tells him that he needs to find whatever he hid in the room, and that they don't have much time.