How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
A home, the thing that was stolen. Perfect, as if perfect ever existed. (6.97)
All Partridge wants is to feel at home, but he feels as if that luxury has been stolen from him because of his father. Here, he feels like the wretches — like his home has been taken, not just lost.
Quote #5
It smells like home, something sharp and sulfuric in the back of Pressia's throat. It smells like childhood, and she's allowed to be nostalgic for it; even a poisoned, desolate childhood can be missed. (11.55)
Sometimes a certain smell can seem like a time machine: it's a surefire way to elicit nostalgia.
Quote #6
If you weren't always searching for a real home, if you lived in a safe and happy place, would still need to play house? (12.40)
Good question, Pressia. Playing house and actually experiencing a sense of home are two entirely different things — here we get a sense of Pressia's alienation from what it means to feel at home.