The Home Quotes in Fuse

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He misses the academy with relentless longing. He shouldn't want to be back in his dorm room […] but he does. (2.13)

This is one of those "never forget where you came from"moments. Though we have the urge to escape our past, it can be where we feel the most comfortable: it's familiar.

Quote #2

Ironically, for the first time in her life, she feels protected in a way that she never did within the protective bubble of the Dome. (5.5)

The Dome isn't a home for anyone, especially Lyda. It's an artificial protection —home for Lyda actually becomes living with the mothers.

Quote #3

Partridge, it's over. You're one of us. Come home. There is no home. (6.43)

For Partridge, there really isn't any home. He doesn't feel right outside of the Dome, but he doesn't feel at home inside the Dome. So really, Partridge feels as if he doesn't have a home.