The Glass Menagerie Deception and Lies Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a big long monologue.

Quote #4

"Resume your seat, little sister - I want you to stay fresh and pretty - for gentlemen callers!" (1.14, Amanda).

While Laura’s and Tom’s retreat from reality is more subtle, Amanda projects self-delusion to a great degree.

Quote #5

"No, dear, you go in front and study your typewriter chart. Or practice your shorthand a little. Stay fresh and pretty! – It’s almost time for our gentlemen callers to start arriving. [She flounces girlishly toward the kitchenette] How many do you suppose we’re going to entertain this afternoon?" (1.35, Amanda).

It is because of her obsession with the past that Amanda is so unable to see the present for what it is.

Quote #6

"Not one gentlemen caller? It can’t be true! There must be a flood, there must have been a tornado!" (1.37, Amanda).

Despite repeated attempts that her children make to explain Laura’s current situation, Amanda remains blind to the facts.