The Glass Menagerie Deception and Lies Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a big long monologue.

Quote #7

Laura draws a long breath and gets awkwardly to her feet. She crosses to the Victrola and winds it up. (Scene Two, stage directions).

Just as Tom uses the movies, Laura uses objects such as the Victrola and her glass menagerie to escape reality.

Quote #8

"I went into the art museum and the bird house at the Zoo. I visited the penguins every day! Sometimes I did without lunch and went to the movies. Lately I’ve been spending most of my afternoons in the Jewel Box, that big glass house where they raise the tropical flowers." (2.29, Laura).

Laura retreats into pseudo-worlds to avoid the real one.

Quote #9

"When I had that attack of pleurosis – he asked me what was the matter when I came back. I said pleurosis – he thought that I said Blue Roses! So that’s what he always called me after that. Whenever he saw me, he’d holler, ‘Hello, Blue Roses!’" (2.45, Laura).

Laura is drawn to Jim because of his ability to create names and thoughts of an altered reality, such as the ones she chooses to live in.