Glengarry Glen Ross Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #4

MOSS: Someone should stand up and strike back. (2.1.199)

Sure the robbery will be about revolution and fighting the man, and it has absolutely nothing to do with Moss wanting to pocket some cash and snag a new job. Oh wait—not. Moss is really good at making his selfish desires seem like something noble, right?

Quote #5

AARONOW: And you're saying a fella could take and sell those leads to Jerry Graff. (1.2.230)

Shhh—listen. That's the sound of a little bell going ding ding ding in Aaronow's brain. It took him some winding and weaving, but Moss has now led Aaronow to the place he wants him to be. There are just a couple of more steps to take.

Quote #6

MOSS: We're just speaking about it. (Pause.) As an idea. (1.2.242-243)

Moss Manipulation Tip #2: Sometimes, you just have to straight-up lie. Yep, when all else fails, sometimes you just have to bend the truth to your will. If he lets Aaronow in on his real plan too early, he'll lose him, and Moss knows he has to string Aaronow along for a while before he pounces.