Glengarry Glen Ross Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #7

MOSS: You have to go in. (Pause.) You have to get the leads. (Pause.) (1.2.302-303)

Boom—all the twists and half-truths and lies have led to this. Moss has planted seeds, and now it's time to harvest; finally, he lays his plan on the line for Aaronow to plainly see. He wants Aaronow to break in to the office and steal the leads because, though Moss devised the plan, he's not willing to get his hands dirty.

Quote #8

MOSS: In or out. You tell me, you're out you take the consequences. (1.2.385-386)

When all else fails, just threaten—that's Moss's final act in the manipulation game. Lying didn't work, painting pretty pictures of the future didn't work, so his only option in the end is to convince Aaronow that there's no longer a choice.

Quote #9

ROMA: What I'm saying, what is our life? (1.3.38-39)

Always be closing could translate to always be manipulating. At least it seems that way for Ricky Roma. Right here, with this line, he convinces Lingk that what they're about to talk about somehow has something to do with the meaning of life, instead of just being about some property in Florida.