Godzilla Cast

Godzilla Cast

Meet the Cast

Hideto Ogata (Akira Takarada)

Hideto Ogata is the closest thing Godzilla has to a traditional hero. Nope, he doesn't have superpowers or dress in inappropriately tight spandex. He never directly confronts Godzilla nor does he g...

Emiko Yamane (Momoko Kōchi)

Put in strictly Hollywood terms, Emiko Yamane is the love interest. She loves Ogata something fierce, but she's engaged to Serizawa. Yep, we've got a classic love triangle here.But…it's the most...

Dr. Daisuke Serizawa (Akihiko Hirata)

Every monster movie needs a scientist character, and Dr. Serizawa fits the bill. Like many movie scientists, Serizawa's specialization isn't made clear. Is he a chemist? Physicist? Did he get his d...

Dr. Kyohei Yamane (Takashi Shimura)

Here's a little cheat for you. Nine times out of ten, if you have a professor or teacher in a film, that person will be a mentor character. There are exceptions to the rule—looking your way, Pete...

Hagiwara (Sachio Sakai)

Because Godzilla takes place in the 1950s, news can't travel at the speed of light by way of websites or text messages. And since no one has a social media account—on account that there is no soc...

Professor Tanabe (Fuyuki Murakami)

Professor Tanabe is a physicist, whom we lovingly refer to as "that Geiger-counter guy." Seriously, he's never seen without it; does he sleep with the thing?Tanabe accompanies Professor Yamane to i...

Masaji (Ren Yamamoto)

Sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a faithful trip, that started in this tropic port aboard this tiny ship. Nope, it's not Gilligan's Island, but the story of Masaji the fisherman. Bu...

Shinkichi Sieji (Toyoaki Suzuki)

Shinkichi is the tagalong kid character, and…that's about it. There's not much else to say about the guy.He's orphaned after Godzilla steps on his house, killing his mother and brother, Masaji. O...

The Old Fisherman (Kokuten Kôdô)

Okay, there are several old fishermen on Odo Island, but you know who we're talking about here. This is the guy who gives Godzilla its name.After hearing Masaji's description of the creature, the o...

Mrs. Sieji (Tsuruko Mano)

Mrs. Sieji is Masaji and Shinkichi's mother. When Godzilla comes to Odo Island in the typhoon, it steps on her house, killing her and Masaji instantly. And…yep, that's the extent of her contribut...