- This brings us to Part V: The Second Copy of the Second Will.
- Agatha enters the Grand Budapest with a stack of Mendl's boxes. She's infiltrating the hotel, which, due to the war, has become a barracks for soldiers.
- She goes to the safe room and takes Boy with Apple out.
- As she carries it down, she runs into Dmitri who recognizes her and, seeing the size of the parcel under her arm, goes after her.
- Zero and Gustave, who were waiting in the Mendl's truck outside, saw Dmitri and family and have now entered the hotel themselves in Mendl's disguises.
- Inside, M. Chuck appears to be the new Gustave and is trying to accommodate everyone. Henckels is with him as well.
- Agatha and Dmitri ride the elevator together and he peels back the painting's covering, revealing it is indeed Boy with Apple.
- She runs and he chases but Zero and Gustave are right behind them.
- Dmitri starts firing on them with his pistol and shortly all of the soldiers have come out of their rooms. Everyone is shooting at everyone.
- Henckels and Chuck try to put a stop to everyone, but just then Agatha falls out a window and hangs from a balcony.
- Dodging bullets left and right, Zero makes his way down to her, only to find himself hanging from the same place before they both fall into the safety of the Mendl's truck waiting below, but not before Agatha notices the letter in the back of the picture.
- We see a close up of the letter. It says that it is only to be opened in the event that Madame D. is dead by murder.
- Looks like we've found the missing will.