Grease Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Grease.

Quote #1


After not seeing Sonny all summer, Danny greets him by grabbing his crotch. Is this what James Dean would do?

Quote #2

KENICKIE: Hey, you seen any of the new broads over there?

DANNY: Nah, just the same old chicks everybody's made it with.

Immediately we see how the T-Birds strut around the school like peacocks with their feathers out. They talk big, and part of talking big involves putting down other girls. It's a typical double standard. The girls are insulting for "ma[king] it" with guys, but the guys are celebrated for the same thing.

Quote #3

DANNY: I did meet this one chick. She was sort of cool, you know.

SONNY: You mean she puts out?

DANNY: Oh come on, Sonny, is that all you ever think about?

Considering Danny is the one who just put down a group of girls for being "the same old chicks everybody's made it with" he should step off his high horse before he falls off and gets hurt.