The Great Wide Sea Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Dad's hand was still bothering him. […] Fortunately, I was getting stronger. I didn't need his help anymore to get the main up the last few inches [...] (19.2)

As they sail, Ben and his brothers rely less on their father. Later, on the island, they live completely independently of him.

Quote #5

I sat down beside Dylan. He turned and looked at me, and I saw that he wasn't an eleven-year-old boy anymore. He was an eleven-year-old man. (27.10)

Sailing through the storm helps Ben see his younger brother in a new light.

Quote #6

"A fish! Gerry, you got a fish!"

"Where did you get a fish?" I asked, just sitting there, staring at it [...] (33.59)

When the Byron brothers are starving on their island, the person who first finds food is little five-year-old Gerry. We love the irony.