The Great Wide Sea Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He blew out his breath in puffs as he barely kept his head above the water. My arm flashed out and grabbed him. "Let go," he said quickly. (35.20-35.21)

At the beginning of the book, Gerry wouldn't even set foot in shallow water. By the end, he's taught himself to swim. (Not well, but still.)

Quote #8

I crossed the room and stood in front of Dad. I looked him level in the eye and it surprised us both. (40.39)

Ben's height reflects his emotional journey in the novel. He's grown both physically and spiritually.

Quote #9

We never had any sisters. Mom said once that someday our wives would be her daughters. (41.67)

Sadly, Mom didn't live long enough to see that day.