The Great Wide Sea Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I lost the ability to think. I wanted to call Dylan up to tell him […] What was the point anyway? I would just be telling him so I would have somebody else be as scared as I was. (25.1)

Ben tries to protect his younger brothers from his fear. It never really works, though.

Quote #5

I couldn't move. I just stared at him. He was twice as big as I was, and he took up the whole ocean between the dinghy and me. I needed to surface to breathe or to swim away or to climb the coral-crusted side of the rock. But I could not move. (35.12)

Sometimes fear can make you do something heroic. Other times, it just roots you to the spot when you're about to get eaten by a shark.

Quote #6

I knew exactly where Dylan was, and my throat closed in while my feet started pounding straight up the hill. (37.27)

As Ben searches for Dylan, he's terrified about what he might find.