The Great Wide Sea Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I couldn't look up. It would have been too scary. (37.51)

Ben has to overcome his own fear to save his brother, Dylan.

Quote #8

"Something new is wrong. What is it?" Tears stood suddenly along the bottom curve of his eyes. A dagger of ice pierced me. (38.11)

Dylan's usually pretty stoic. When he starts to cry, Ben knows that his condition is really serious. Scary stuff.

Quote #9

Gerry picked up his stick and broke it in half. "I'm scared, Ben." "Me too, Gerry." (38.110-38.111)

Ben isn't one of those guys who never admits when he's afraid. Here, he tells his brother fear is just a natural response to a bad situation.