The Great Wide Sea The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

By now, those people, whoever they were, had moved into our house. They might find an army man under the refrigerator or a baseball in the yard. They might open a drawer in Mom's bathroom and find a comb. They would throw it all away. (8.5)

There's nothing quite so unsettling as picturing a bunch of strangers in your house. The thought of someone throwing away his mother's stuff is almost too much for Ben to bear.

Quote #5

Dylan and Gerry had picked a spot on the edge of the beach just under the shade of the scrub tree. They had cleared away the big debris and stacked our stuff in neat piles. (30.28)

It's a lot easier to clean your "room" when it's a pile of bean cans and some sand.

Quote #6

We weren't hungry anymore. We weren't thirsty. We knew how to live on the island. It had taken a long time, but we had figured it out. (37.2)

Eventually, the deserted island becomes home to Ben, Dylan, and Gerry. They build a life there as best they can.