The Great Wide Sea The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I nodded. Of course. I would remember it when I was dead. When we beached the dinghy, the sand felt like home. (39.30)

Over time, Ben really does begin to think of that island as home. If Dylan hadn't gotten sick, you have to wonder if he would have stayed there forever.

Quote #8

"And so I came," he said. "To bring you home." I laughed.

"Home?" I said. "Where's that?" (40.37-40.38)

In the last year, Ben has lived in a real house, on a boat, and on a deserted island. His confusion seems fair.

Quote #9

"Home." I spit the word back at him. "You like that word now, don't you?" I looked toward the sea, then back at him. I shook my head. "I won't go," I said. "Not with you." Then I walked away. (40.65)

Ben no longer thinks of home as where his father is. Maybe nowhere is home anymore.