The Great Wide Sea Isolation and Loneliness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Dad said I should write too, maybe even to Andrew, but when I sat down with the paper, I couldn't think of anything to say. Everything would have been like speaking a foreign language. (17.11)

Been feels estranged from his "real" life back home—so much so that just writing his best friend feels impossible. What would he say?

Quote #5

Among these last scraps of land were islands where only a few people lived, as well as those occasional cays with no people at all and no names, either. There was no natural freshwater and no way to grow food. (18.1)

The Byron brothers will soon have the pleasure of spending three months on one of these uninhabitable islands. If they'd stayed another month, they probably would have opened a bed and breakfast.

Quote #6

"I am not crazy." I felt prickles like fear in the hair on the back of my neck. "I am a very lonely man—who wants his wife back." (19.76-19.77)

Jim Byron feels so lonely after his wife's death that he doesn't attend to the people—his sons—who are still alive. He doesn't really even stop to think that his sons may feel lonely, either.