The Great Wide Sea Isolation and Loneliness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

All around us in a brilliant circle for hundreds and thousands of empty miles, we could see only the moving, glittering ocean and that one island with no beach to land on. (30.12)

Somehow the Byron brothers have found the one corner of the earth that doesn't have a McDonald's or a Starbucks.

Quote #8

We were on it. The three of us together. Lost in the middle of the great wide sea. (31.45)

Things could be worse—the Byron brothers could be lost at sea, instead of on a deserted island. Still, how will the rescuers find them?

Quote #9

He shouted again and his grip loosened. Then a wave tore him away from the boat. He watched the boat sail away. (40.27)

Wow. We feel lonely just reading this.