Grendel Good and Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page) Vintage Books, 1989

Quote #10

"Neither Breca nor you ever fought such battles," he said. "I don't boast much of that. Nevertheless, I don't recall hearing any glorious deeds of yours, except that you murdered your brothers. You'll prowl the stalagmites of hell for that, friend Unferth—clever though you are." (162)

The lines between good and evil may be blurred in this novel, but even here there are some lines that should never be crossed. Ask Unferth. It just isn't cool to kill your own kin. On the other hand, Beowulf may be pushing the envelope of political correctness. As a visitor in Hrothgar's hall, is it really up to him to point out the faults of Hrothgar's best man? He may not win any points with Miss Manners, but Beowulf surely can call the situation as he sees it.