Happy Days Happiness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #4


That is what I find so wonderful, that not a day goes by—to speak in the old style—hardly a day, without some addition to one's knowledge however trifling, the addition I mean, provided one takes the pains. (1.7)

We live in an ambitious world where material success is everything. That usually means success is equated with BIG houses, FAST cars, and LOADS of cash. And yet, Winnie takes obvious pleasure from educating herself in the little details, however small. How important are the little things to the foundation of anyone's happiness, and on that same note, how important are the big things?

Quote #5


That is what I find so wonderful. The way man adapts himself. To changing conditions. (1.31)

Winnie claims to find adaptability an admirable quality. In fact, much of her happiness relies on her ability to find happiness in hardly anything at all. At times it even seems as if Winnie is finding any little excuse to be happy. Is that her adapting what it means to be happy? Is happiness adaptable?

Quote #6


One cannot sing just to please someone, however much one loves them, no, song must come from the heart, that is what I always say, pour out from the inmost, like a thrush. (1.31)

Ah, singing in the shower, one of life's greatest pleasures. But what if someone forced you to sing? It probably wouldn't be as fun. Singing has to be something instinctive—something that comes from within…much like happiness, we might say.