Happy Days Happiness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #7


I take up the little glass, I shiver it on a stone—I throw it away—it will be in the bag again tomorrow, without a scratch, to help me through the day. (1.31)

Winnie's certainty that her possessions will appear for her, again and again, is a comfort. We dread to think what would happen if they disappeared one morning. Is this active happiness or is she absently resigned to familiarity and routine?

Quote #8


Oh this is a happy day! This will have been another happy day! After all. So far. (1.33)

Winnie begins her thought with certainty that "it is a happy day" but then moves to use the future perfect tense, which implies that something will occur in the future. So which one is it, Winnie? Is it a happy day or will it be a happy day (sometime in the future)? How much of Winnie's happiness is based upon wishful thinking?

Quote #9


Just chance, I take it, happy chance. (2.1)

Given her appalling conditions, we can see why she might want to leave it up to fate. Does the serendipitous nature of chance give her hope?