Happy Days Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #4


Even when you are gone, Willie. You are going, Willie, aren't you? You will be going soon, Willie, won't you? (1.23)

Winnie is constantly worried about being alone, when she is, in fact, already alone. However, there is the physical relationship between the two of them that still exists.

Quote #5


... just to know you are there within hearing and conceivably on the semi-alert is... er... paradise enow. (1.29)

Is that really enough? What about communication being a two-way street? It seems more like a one-way street to us. Even though Willie doesn't respond, it provides a welcome relief to the awfulness that is living in isolation.

Quote #6


Strange feeling that someone is looking at me. (1.31)

How alone is the actor on stage? Does the actor playing Winnie feel isolated or connected to the audience? After all, she is forever looking straight at them, which, in turn, acknowledges that the audience is not invisible and sharing in her story.