Happy Days Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #7


Next thing they're away—hand in hand—and the bags—dim—then gone—last human kind—to stray this way. (1.31)

The passing visitors only add to her loneliness, as they never find any reason to stay to talk with her. How long has Winnie been in her predicament? How long has she been the last of humankind?

Quote #8


Do you know what I dream sometimes?… That you'll come round and live this side where I could see you. I'd be a different woman. Unrecognizable. (1.31)

Is Winnie's isolation from Willie a form of punishment? If so, who is punishing her? Willie? A higher power? Herself?

Quote #9


... I say I used to think that I would learn to talk alone. By that I mean to myself, the wilderness. But no. No no. Ergo you are there. (2.1)

How much are our Facebook or Twitter status updates a conversation with other people? How alike is our situation in modern America to Winnie's dilemma?