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Symbols and Tropes

Hero's Journey

Ever notice that every blockbuster movie has the same fundamental pieces? A hero, a journey, some conflicts to muck it all up, a reward, and the hero returning home and everybody applauding his or...


The Burrow, the Forest of Dean, and Everything in Between (but not Hogwarts)That's right—for the first time in the whole series, Harry is not back at Hogwarts when the school year begins. It's go...

Point of View

It's Harry's/Voldemort's World, And We're All Just Living in ItAs we mentioned in "Mode of Production," we pretty much only get to see and know what Harry knows, which makes for a pretty straightfo...


Action/Adventure/FantasyLet's see, we've got wizards, broom chases, a caper involving masquerading as Ministry employees and breaking into the Ministry of Magic, a snake that shapeshifts, wizardly...

What's Up With the Title?

Well, since we think you're clear on who Harry Potter is—if you're not, we're not sure how you got to this page—we'll focus on that Deathly Hallows part of the title.As we find out when Hermion...

What's Up With the Ending?

The movie ends with some good old-fashioned grave robbing, with Voldemort visiting Dumbledore's corpse to retrieve what he believes is the Elder Wand—you know, the wand from "The Tale of the Thre...

Shock Rating

PG-13Things have always been pretty dangerous and scary in Harry Potter's world, but there's actually quite a lot of death in this particular film (e.g., Mad-Eye) and gore (e.g., George losing an e...