How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Well, here I am an old maid. Oops, I shouldn't say "old maid" 'cause it makes Bessie mad. Bessie says we're "maiden ladies." Well, whatever we are, I have no regrets about it. (3.13.25)
The biggest reason the sisters don't need men is that they have each other. Sure, a husband might be nice at times, but they can get all the companionship they need from each other.
Quote #5
You see, a lot of this Jim Crow mess was about sex, about keeping the races separate, so they wouldn't interbreed. (4.10.4)
This is because interracial relationships have that nasty side effect of teaching people that we're all really the same. Remember: although James Miliam and Martha Logan acted as man-and-wife, the law forbade them from actually getting married.
Quote #6
Here I was, traveling around the countryside, a grown woman with professional responsibilities. Yet Pap was still in charge of my social life. (4.13.22)
Again, we see the blatant contradictions between the sisters' responsibilities and their father's control of them. C'mon dad, be cool! But we've learned by now that Henry's conservative streak affects the way that he treats his daughters vs. his sons.