How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
We've buried so many people we've loved; that is the hard part of living this long. Most everyone we know has turned to dust. (1.1.6)
Yep, we're starting things off with a bummer. On one hand, it's great to live a long time; on the other, it must be an awfully lonely experience at times. Luckily, the sisters still have each other.
Quote #2
When people ask me how we've lived past one hundred, I say, "Honey, we never married. We never had husbands to worry us to death!" (1.4.2)
Although Bessie plays this off like a joke, there's truth to what she says—there's no telling how much extra stress a man would bring to her life. Plus, the sisters don't need husbands as long as they have each other.
Quote #3
We avoid hospitals because, honey, they'll kill you there. They overtreat you [...] Most of the time they don't even treat you like a person, just an object (1.4.9)
The sisters prefer their own down-home remedies to the dehumanization of the modern medical system. Hey—can't argue with the results.